Countermark – a different type of data carrier, for different language types
2nd October 2023
Countermark – a different type of data carrier, for different language types:
Encrypted and controlled, cannot be faked and spoofed like QR-codes. Countermark keeps people safe from QR based cybercrime
Human readable, so can be integrated into invoices and delivery notes. Putting the traceability data into financial records simplifies audits even after the product is consumed.
Human readable, in most of the planet, currently available in 4 different fonts, so human readable does mean just that, other fonts can be added.
- Latin (top) for most of Europe, the Americas, Africa and Australasia
- Katakana (2nd row) for Japan
- Cyrillic (3rd row) for Russia, Greece and other parts of Eastern Europe
- Chinese (4th row) for China and Taiwan
More information at