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The Countermark Blog

Why Hacked QR Codes are Dangerous

6th February 2023

Why Hacked QR Codes are Dangerous The real problem with QR code hackers is how versatile and useful a QR code can be. A legitimate or hacked QR code can do more than open a web link. These code squares have the potential to achieve a wide variety of both useful and dangerous actions on […]

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QR code manipulation has become a particularly pernicious threat

20th January 2023

QR code manipulation has become a particularly pernicious threat as it preys on our desire to perform tasks as quickly and efficiently as possible. Silicon Valley Bank (The bank where the Silicon Valley folk go for mortgages, corporate checking venture funding, treasury services, etc.) recently published an article highlighting the rise of Cybercrime and how […]

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Great news from UP, India – 242 people didn’t die

6th January 2023

Great news from UP, India – 242 people didn’t die. Their death certificates were forged, and the death benefits were paid by the insurance company. It was only the insurance company audit processes that found the QR fraud. QR codes are easy to use, inexpensive, and easy to Counterfeit. As system designers all of us […]

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£95.00 per second / 1.3 Billion per year lost to fraud in the UK

22nd December 2022

£95.00 per second / 1.3 Billion per year lost to fraud in the UK According to the Sun newspaper, and likely to be under reported. The feature link below identifies “12 sneaky ways crooks can scam you this Christmas”. Inevitably it includes romance and QR fraud, and some steps users can try to avoid it. […]

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