The Countermark Blog

Countermark – a different type of data carrier, for different language types
2nd October 2023Countermark – a different type of data carrier, for different language types: Encrypted and controlled, cannot be faked and spoofed like QR-codes. Countermark keeps people safe from QR based cybercrime Human readable, so can be integrated into invoices and delivery notes. Putting the traceability data into financial records simplifies audits even after the product […]
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Countermark – a different type of data carrier, great for traceability
27th September 2023Countermark – a different type of data carrier, great for traceability: – Encrypted and controlled, cannot be faked and spoofed like QR-codes. Countermark keeps people safe from QR based cybercrime – Human readable, so can be integrated into invoices and delivery notes. Putting the traceability data into financial records simplifies audits even after the product […]
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Visit to MADE at the University of Wales TSD in Swansea
20th September 2023(From Left to right: Mahesh Kannath, Alan Bell, Emily Hunt and Odayne Haughton) Visit to MADE at the University of Wales TSD in Swansea I recently attended MADE at the University of Wales TSD in Swansea. I talked about food traceability and provenance using blockchain with Emily Hunt, Odayne Haughton and Mahesh Kannath from […]
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How hard is it to tell a malicious QR code from a safe QR code? (They look very similar)
20th September 2023How hard is it to tell a malicious QR code from a safe QR code? (They look very similar) There is advice from the FBI and Better Business Bureau, to look closely at the QR code, then decide before you scan – but probably you don’t want people to keep safe just on how things […]
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